How the UK is ‘kerbing’ its way to a new normal | Barriers Direct
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By Barriers Direct on 29/06/2020

How the UK is ‘kerbing’ its way to a new normal

How the UK is ‘kerbing’ its way to a new normal

As restrictions on lockdown gradually start to ease, towns and cities across the UK are starting to re-open again. Several temporary measures have been taken in order to widen and expand pavements for pedestrians to remove traffic access from roads and encourage commuters to cycle and walk more while social distancing. 

These measures are in response to the government directive to place an extra emphasis on active travel, as well as addressing the climate emergency by lessening the number of motor vehicles on the road and creating a more connected city fit for the future. Not to mention, getting commuters off public transport effectively prevents further spread of the coronavirus.

With more and more roads being widened and pedestrianised, the need for additional tools and markings to accommodate everybody's needs has increased. High pavements and uneven road surfaces can make it more difficult for pedestrians that experience increased walking difficulties or mobility issues. Accessibility to shops for people with trolleys, pushchairs, or wheelchairs may also be a cause of concern for many individuals venturing back out onto the highstreet.

A simple solution to these issues is fitting in kerb ramps onto high pavements and shop entrances to provide fluid accessibility for those who need it most. They could be just the thing to assist and help people in this new era of transportation to support Britain in it’s ‘bounce back’ phase. 

Stepping or Wheeling your Way Around Town 

Whether you’re on foot or wheeling your way around on a wheelchair or bicycle, you don’t need us to tell you that kerb ramps create so much added convenience to your journey. Especially if you’re hitting the shops for some much needed retail therapy after a very long period in self-isolation. 

An increasing number of shops on local high streets will be welcoming customers on foot, in line with the governments wishes to lower vehicle transportation, which means they need to have the best fixtures in place to welcome those with shopping trolleys full of goods and pushchairs full of young children. It can turn into quite a nuisance and annoyance when customers are unable to access particular shops or pedestrian areas due to unsafe road surfaces that are non-pedestrian friendly. Ramps for pedestrians with trolleys are a great practical tool, as well as a massive boost to your safety precaution measures. 

Kerb ramps for wheelchair users are essential for accessibility and convenience. Kerb ramps  should be a fundamental fixture for shops opening their doors to customers again and a permanent kerb ramp to be put in place for ongoing future use. 

Wheelchair Ramp for Kerbs

Car Ramps 

Kerb ramps for vehicle access have become far more important, especially those trying to access private industrial or residential areas for deliveries. 

One thing that has majorly shot up during lockdown is the demand of home deliveries for online orders. With more essential vehicles on the road delivering medical supplies and home groceries for those unable to reach supplies the conventional way, more cars will need easier access to driveways or be able to park on high pavements for quick drop offs. 

That’s where the installation of car ramps, particularly kerb ramps for driveways, could come in very handy and allow cars quicker and simpler access without the risk of damaging tyres or creating suspension issues. 

Heavy Duty Kerb Ramp

Standard and Heavy Duty Kerb Ramps 

Kerb ramps are made from very strong and durable materials to survive the intense frequent use they go through on a daily basis. Materials such as High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and thick rubber in particular help to avoid any corrosion issues. 

Such ramps can be used in hospitals, warehouses and airports for delivery drivers to easily transport and deliver goods, as well as encouraging social distancing within these large-scale buildings that have become the epicentre for many outbreaks. The surface of these kerb ramps also feature anti-slip patterns for extra safety.                                

Car ramps are usually made from a much heavier duty material such as steel. Given the greater weight a car holds compared to a human being, much sturdier and sustainable ramps are needed to withstand the wear and tear of bulky tyres. Heavy duty metal kerb ramps that can maintain constant use whilst providing enough grip for tyres to glide over them smoothly.

These standard and heavy duty kerbs can be easily permanently fixed into place for the ongoing convenience of consumers that are hoping to get out and about again, adhering to the new social distancing rules that are now in place. Kerb ramps can make all the difference when it comes to encouraging pedestrian mobility, as well as essential delivery vehicles, to be out and about in a much safer and more convenient manner to accommodate to the new post lockdown norm. 

By Barriers Direct on 29/06/2020

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