Bollard Installation Price Guide | Barriers Direct
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By Barriers Direct on 27/06/2023

Bollard Installation Price Guide

Bollard Installation Price Guide

When it comes to installing bollards, informed decision-making is key to getting the right solution at the best price. In this comprehensive bollard installation pricing guide, you'll gain clarity to make confident choices for your security and vehicular access needs.

With a whole range of bollards on the market, prices can vary from product to product. Plus, installation fees must be taken into consideration too. This can make it more challenging when trying to budget for your bollard installation project.

At Barriers Direct, we understand the importance of bollard installation for the security of individuals and your property. To help you find the right bollard solution, we offer a comprehensive range of bollards at competitive prices. 

We also provide bollard installation as a service to make the process of getting your bollards up and operating as easy as possible. We work with teams of highly experienced installers across the country to deliver a premium service and guarantee all work with a 1-year warranty to demonstrate our confidence in the service we provide. You can learn more about our installation service here.

In this comprehensive bollard installation guide, we’ll help you understand what type of bollard you need and give you an indication of how much it will cost to install. Read on to learn:

  • How much it costs to install a bollard
  • Different bollard types and their costs
  • The benefits of installing bollards
  • Answers to common bollard installation FAQs


How much does it cost to install a bollard?

When it comes to bollard installation, several factors influence the overall cost:


Type of bollard

The type of bollard you choose plays a significant role in determining the installation cost. Each type varies in complexity, materials required and installation methods, which impact the overall price.

Bollard material

Bollards come in various materials, such as steel, wood and plastic. The material the bollard is made of impacts its appearance and functionality.

Steel bollards offer a professional and sleek finish, ideal for complementing shop fronts or other public areas. They also tend to be more durable and offer enhanced security, so generally cost a little more. 

Meanwhile, wood and concrete bollards provide a more cost-effective alternative that is better placed in recreational areas, like parks or green spaces, where they are sympathetic to their surroundings. 

The material you select not only affects the aesthetics, but with some installers, it may also influence the price you pay for installation. Fortunately, Barriers Direct operate a simple pricing structure whereby you pay a flat installation fee, regardless of bollard material. 


Whether you need a single bollard to control access to a specific area or a line of bollards to create a protective barrier, the quantity will impact overall expenses.

Labour costs

In addition to the bollard itself, some companies charge for material and labour costs separately. Rest assured, all labour costs are factored into the overall price you are quoted from Barriers Direct, giving you one simple fee to pay. However, it's worth noting that the complexity of the installation and the number of bollards will influence the final installation cost.


Certain geographical areas may require additional travel for installers. Travelling outside of an installer’s typical catchment area may have a slight impact on the overall installation cost, as travel expenses need to be factored in. Take a look at our installation map for details on our coverage.  

Removal of old bollards

If existing bollards need to be removed as part of the installation project, this will impact the overall cost. Just like the installation process, the removal process also involves labour and tools, so if removal is required an extra fee will be involved. Barriers Direct can also arrange the removal of any material on site, which many other installation teams will not do.

To obtain an accurate quote tailored to your specific requirements, get in touch with our team today. Our experts will consider your bollard needs and site specifications to provide you with a cost estimate.


Different bollard types and their costs

Here, we’ll break down the features and costs of some of the most popular bollard types, helping you decide which is best for your needs and giving you a clearer indication of prices.


Stainless steel bollards

Stainless steel bollards from Barriers Direct in a contemporary design along the side of a public road.

Stainless steel bollards offer a sleek and contemporary design, popularly seen around retail areas like supermarkets, retail parks and shopping centres. A stainless steel bollard’s primary purpose is to provide a smart aesthetic and demarcation between areas of access suitable for pedestrians and vehicles.  

Appropriate for both internal and external use, stainless steel bollards most commonly come in two grade types: 304 and 316. A 304-grade stainless steel is ideal for inland use, while a 316 is a specialist grade suitable for saline environments such as coastal areas or near the seaside. 

Cost: £88.98 – £1,149.24

Click to shop stainless steel bollards.


Telescopic retractable bollards

Telescopic retractable bollards are another option combining versatility and security. The clever design of these bollards allows them to sink into the ground when not in use — ideal for enabling vehicles to pass and easing pedestrian movement as required. 

They are commonly used in commercial and residential properties to ensure vehicles do not take up parking places that are not theirs, or where access may be required only occasionally.

With specific types of telescopic retractable bollards, there's no need to compromise on quality and safety. Anti-terrorist crash-tested telescopic security bollards are available, designed to provide exceptional strength and withstand the impact of vehicles travelling at set speeds.

Cost: £119.32 – £8.093.50

Browse telescopic retractable bollards.


Steel bollards (removable)

Removable steel bollards with a simple padlock system from Barriers Direct.

Removable steel bollards offer all the physical properties of fixed steel bollards but with added versatility. With these bollards, you can choose when additional access measures should be in place: when access needs to be temporarily relaxed, the bollard can be removed and safely stored. 

Available in a range of styles and designs, removable steel bollards cater to various needs and purposes. They offer ideal protection for car parks, public places or commercial and industrial settings, and you can choose from different sizes, finishes and features to ensure they complement your site’s aesthetics and security requirements.

Removable steel bollards are ideal for industrial sites or car forecourts requiring width restrictions to prevent unauthorised access, or for locations where a telescopic post isn’t suitable due to foundations, pipework or electrical obstructions.  

Cost: £83.65 – £970.20

Click here to browse the removable steel bollards range.


Steel bollards (fixed)

Square steel bollards (fixed) showcased above ground from Barriers Direct, protecting a stadium in the background.

Made from the durable steel, these bollards are corrosion-resistant and long-lasting — ideal for ensuring lasting security and privacy for buildings and outdoor spaces.

Many steel bollards are available in a variety of colours and finishes to suit your aesthetic preferences and budgetary requirements. They can be bolted or cemented into place, offering permanent protection for your property. 

Barriers Direct also offers high visibility steel bollards, often referred to as ‘bumblebee’ bollards by our team due to their signature yellow and black design. These bollards are designed to maximise visibility and improve safety in various environments.

Steel bollards require minimal maintenance so once installed, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your security measures are firmly in place.

Cost: £53.87–£1,456.01

Click here to shop fixed steel bollards.


Crash-rated bollards

Crash rated SP100 LA retractable bollards shown in a public space to protect cafes, restaurants and pedestrians from vehicles.

Crash-rated bollards are specifically designed to provide security against vehicle threats. They can range from automatic bollard operations to fixed or telescopic models. 

These bollards are engineered to withstand vehicles travelling and colliding with them at various speeds, and are rigorously tested and certified to meet the stringent British Standards Institution (BSI) PAS 68 or PAS 170 standards. By adhering to BSI standards, these bollards ensure high levels of safety and protection during hostile vehicle mitigation (HVM) attempts and terrorism threats.  

Whether it's safeguarding high-security areas of interest or public spaces, these bollards offer a great deterrent and reliable protection. Different types of bollards carry different crash rating certifications, so be sure to check which level of protection you need first. 

Cost: £2,077.99 – £8.093.50

Browse the crash rated bollards range here.


Safety bollards

Barriers Direct security and safety bollard, highly visible verge marker posts.

Keep your premises secure with safety bollards, which can be fixed into the ground permanently with bolts or cement, or removable to allow for occasional access. Safety bollards are well-suited for both commercial and residential settings, including residential areas, car parks, factories, and warehouses. 

These bollards are crafted from a variety of robust materials, including iron, steel, concrete and plastic - including recycled plastic polyethylene. This ensures their durability and longevity, delivering reliable protection against unauthorised access and providing a level of protection and privacy. 

Cost: £56.64–£2,256.84

Browse our selection of safety bollards.


Parking bollards

Barriers Direct folding parking post with integral lock, an example of parking bollards.

Parking bollards come in both folding, removable and retractable designs, offering versatility when protecting parking spaces from other unauthorised vehicles by restricting access as and when required. 

Barriers Direct also offers innovative parking bollards that neatly fold down into a metal socket. The socket is installed flush with the ground's surface, providing unobtrusive housing for the parking post when it is not in use.

Parking bollards come at various prices, ensuring there’s an option for every budget. You can select from bolt-down or concrete versions based on your requirements. Some of our bollards also feature a black and yellow reflective warning tape design, enhancing visibility and safety.

Additionally, you’ll find various padlock options for added security and peace of mind, including top locks, bottom locks, padlocks and integrated locks. Many Barriers Direct parking posts are Sold Secure approved, meaning they have been rigorously tested to offer a level of resistance against tampering such as lock picking.  

Cost: £52.75 – £999.91

Browse the full parking bollard range.


Concrete, wooden and illuminated bollards

Wooden Barriers Direct bollard in a park, including energy-efficient LED lighting

A selection of concrete, wooden and illuminated bollards are available in different styles and designs to meet your needs and fit seamlessly into any setting, combining both functionality and aesthetics.

Wooden bollards are a great option for added guidance and safety on pedestrian walkways, such as woodland walks. Illuminated bollards switch on automatically in the dark, offering added protection and visibility. Meanwhile, concrete bollards are tough and durable, requiring minimal maintenance, making them ideal for those seeking a hardier alternative to wooden bollards.

Cost: £98.18 – £1,416.49

Shop concrete, wooden and illuminated bollards here.


Bollard Types and Installation Pricing Table*

Here’s the full table breaking down the prices of different bollard options, so you can easily compare costs at a glance:

Bollard Installation Prices:

Product/Service Cost — minimum Cost — maximum
Installation fee** £275.50 £2,553.55

Bollard Prices:

Product/Service Cost — minimum Cost — maximum
Stainless steel bollards £86.86 £1,149.24
Telescopic retractable bollards £119.32 £8,093.50
Steel bollards removable £83.65 £970.20
Steel bollards fixed £53.87 £1,456.01
Crash rated bollards £2,077.99 £8,093.50
Safety bollards £56.64 £2,256.84
Parking bollards £52.75 £999.91
Concrete, wooden and illuminated bollards £98.18 £1,416.49

*Please note that prices are correct at the time of writing, in June 2023. Pricing can fluctuate and therefore costs indicated in this article may be outdated.

**Installation costs are based on fitting one bollard, excluding civils (on automatic bollards) and exclusive of VAT.  

For a specific quote, browse the full Barriers Direct bollard range to find the ideal bollards for your needs, then get in touch with one of our representatives to arrange your bollard installation.



Benefits of installing bollards

Bollards serve a whole range of important purposes, from enhancing the safety of pedestrians to controlling access to parking spaces and other public areas.

Here we’ll explore some of the primary benefits of installing bollards, helping you decide if they’re the right option for your needs.


Increased security

Bollards play a vital role in increasing security and providing peace of mind for individuals, businesses and communities.

By blocking off certain areas like alleyways, bike routes and sidewalks, bollards physically deter unwanted vehicle access. They act as a visual barrier preventing vehicles from breaching these areas, safeguarding against intrusions.

Additionally, bollards can serve as a deterrent to security risks. By their very presence, bollards can indicate to passers-by that an area may be guarded by additional security, deterring unauthorised or forced access.


Added protection

Bollards protect buildings, storefronts, outdoor equipment and infrastructure. They can help minimise damage caused by intentional or accidental vehicle collisions - offering protection to lamp posts or EV charging points for example, helping to preserve the security of these assets.


Enhanced safety

Bollards enhance safety by indicating where pedestrian walkways are and limiting vehicle access. This is especially important in areas with a high number of vehicles or pedestrians where careless driving may result in accidents.

Bollard placement near walkways and entrances indicates where pedestrians need to walk, ensuring cars are aware and slow down for them.


Controlled access

Bollards can help calm and control traffic flow by intentionally creating pinch points to slow down the motion of traffic. They can also prevent certain sized vehicles from gaining access such as HGVs or caravans through width restricted roads, or allow certain vehicle types to gain more access than others.

Barrier Direct’s round mild steel bollards styled with a slightly domed welded steel cap and galvanised with high visibility black and yellow “bumble bee” banding finish as standard.

FAQs on bollard installation prices

Below you’ll find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about bollard installation and prices.


What is the average cost to install a bollard?

As a guide, the average cost for installing a single standard bollard is £330.60 rising to £2,553.55 for a single automatic bollard* **. (Prices accurate at the time of writing).

Meanwhile, the average single bollard cost is anything between £53.87 to £8,093.50, depending on the type of bollard you want to install.

For an accurate quote, get in touch with one of our Barriers Direct team to discuss your bollard installation needs.


How much do security bollards cost?

Security bollards and safety bollards cost anything from £56.64 to £2,994.98, depending on the type of bollard you need.

Get an accurate price by browsing our full range of security and safety bollards here.


Do you need planning permission to install bollards?

The need for planning permission to install bollards depends on several factors, including the location where the bollards will be placed and whether it's private or public land, as well as the specific region you are in. 

To ensure compliance with local regulations, it is always advisable to check with your local council before proceeding with any bollard installation. 

If you are installing bollards on your own private land, such as a parking space or driveway, you generally do not need planning permission. However, it is still recommended to consult your local council to ensure there are no specific regulations or restrictions in your area.

For leaseholders, planning permission may not be required, but it is essential to seek approval from the relevant parties, such as your landlord, freeholder or property management company, as you do not own the land yourself. Obtaining the appropriate permission is crucial before making any changes.

It's important to note that you cannot install bollards on land you don’t own. This includes the installation of bollards on public roads (unless you have consent from your local council.)


How deep should bollards be buried?

The depth a bollard should be buried depends on the bollard type, material, engineering requirements and mounting method.

As a rule of thumb, fixed bollards concreted in generally require a minimum depth of 250mm below ground. 


What is the maximum distance between bollards in the UK?

In the UK, there are no set recommendations or rules for bollard placement and spacing. The appropriate spacing between bollards varies depending on each project, the road layout and the type of vehicle you need to protect against. You may also need to give consideration to the needs of visually impaired people to ensure your bollards are positioned consistently and away from general lines of movement. 

How long does it take to install bollards?

Installation times can vary depending on the type of bollard and the ground conditions present at the site. As a general guideline, the installation of a telescopic bollard typically takes around 2–3 hours. The larger the bollard, the longer installation generally takes.

At Barriers Direct, we endeavour to arrange bollard installation within 10 working days of you receiving your bollard. We will call you within 2 working days of receipt of your order to arrange this.

Do bollards come with a warranty?

Yes, all Barriers Direct bollards come with a minimum 1-year warranty as standard, as do our installations. 

Where to buy bollards

Now that you have an idea of different bollard functions and prices, why not check out our range  at Barriers Direct?

Our full range of bollards ensures you’ll find the ideal option for your site’s security and protection. This includes steel bollards, retractable bollards, wooden bollards, concrete bollards, plastic bollards and more.

Our experienced and dedicated installation team are on hand to help advise on any installation, whatever your query or needs. We’re happy to assist with your purchase and can advise on bollard installation, giving you confidence that your bollards are expertly installed and perform as they should, providing the best safety and protection.

Browse the bollard range at Barriers Direct today.


Sources & Method

All bollard prices are based on the full Barriers Direct bollard selection, available here, and are correct at the time of writing, in June 2023. Pricing can fluctuate and therefore prices in this article may be outdated.


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By Barriers Direct on 27/06/2023

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